Before Visiting
Check our calendar and select a date when Bella Torah is meeting. We typically meet on the second and fourth Saturdays each month but it always helps to double check.
Before you visit Bella Torah we would appreciate sending us a quick email ( just letting us know you are coming and how many people you are bringing. Since we are a home fellowship it helps to know how many people will be coming.
Check the Torah Portion for that week! If you have a chance, look up the Torah Portion for that week and read through it.
What to Expect - Service Details
Our community meets at the home of Gregory and Morgan Bartos. The address is 9221 Innesbrook Court Indian Trail, NC 28079.
10:00 am - Shacharit Prayers
We use the Complete Artscroll Siddur to prayer shacharit (morning liturgical prayer). We have extra siddurs (prayer books) if you need one. If you have any type of siddur that includes Shabbat shacharit please bring it. Men wear tallitot (prayer shawls), kippot (small beanies), and long pants to pray. Women wear modest clothing and most wear some sort of head covering to pray. We sing some parts of the service in hebrew. You can listen to the songs here! We have transliterated song sheets available if you cannot read hebrew. Don't worry, the tunes are easy to pick up! If we have a minyan (10 men) then we have additional prayers and a Torah Service which includes a public reading from the weekly portion.
11:00 am - Kids Torah Portion Discussion
We walk through an overview of the weekly Torah portion including name, meaning, contents, and relevant mitzvot. Then we share a kid-friendly drash on where we see Yeshua in the Torah. Last, we ask questions and kids can ask questions!
11:30 am - Kiddush and Adult Torah Portion Discussion
Our community follows the annual Torah Portion cycle. You can see which Torah Portion we will be discussing by visiting (click on the "This Year" tab and match the date with the Shabbat you plan on attending). We typically have a wide-ranging discussion about the portion that lasts about 30 minutes. You are encouraged to come with questions and/or comments!
After Visiting
Let us know what you thought of the service! Either chat with one of us after the service or send us an email at to give us your feedback. Either way, we hope you stay in touch so that we can continue growing in Messiah together!